Children sit on the potty in the room. Selective focus.

The Worst Potty Training Plan Ever

To Have Zero Plan.

Please don’t just wake up and decide today is the day to start as Jenny over the road is doing it, or the nursery assistant asked you why you haven’t done it yet.

Your child looked kind of ready at bath time

So you picked them up and put them straight onto the big toilet whilst naked and a little bit cold. Fast way for a toddler to hate toileting right there Mama and Papas.

A Great Plan Includes:

Visuals. Things that make it tangible like wet dolls, poop slime, pooping flamingos, songs. And please take some time to do the prep. lay foundations of interest with your child by reading potty books.

The Best Plan

Why use trial and error and spend hours reading outdated Google articles. I’ve potty trained thousands of children. I’ve actually done it. Let me write you a plan or get me over to show you.